FAQs about Helen of Troy

Here are some FAQs about Helen of Troy:

How did Helen of Troy die? Pausanias the geographer tells us that, after Menelaus' death, Helen went to Rhodes, where her friend Polyxo lived. But Polyxo's husband, Tlepolemus, had died in the war of Troy, so his wife wanted revenge on Helen. That's why she sent her maids dresses as erynies, who took Helen when she was bathing and hung her on a tree.
In other stories, she just died of old age after her return to Sparta.
In the 7th century B.C., a general of Croton (called Autoleon or Leonymus) who visited the island of Leuke said that he saw there Achille, Patroclus and Helen, among others, which means that they became immortal.

Was Helen of Troy a real person or not? Weel, in the end Heinrich Schliemann proved that the city of Troy really existed. Also, wars were very common at that time. But no one thinks wars were caused by beautiful women. Troy was a rich city and everyone was after the commercial rights in that area, so there's no wonder the other Greeks allied and wanted to defeat Troy. The story of the beautiful Helen of Troy is just a poetic excuse for the war. Nonetheless, she might have been inspired by a real queen, who probably led a scandalous life, outside of what was accepted. The writer Bettany Hughes attempts to convince us that the real Helen was very different from what we know.

When was Helen of Troy born? / What year was Helen of Troy born? Well... thousands of years ago (an estimated time is aroun 1200 B.C.), in the age of Greek mythology :-)

Who is Helen of Troy? Helen was the most beautiful woman on earth, whom every king wanted to marry. In the end she married Menelaus, king of Sparta, but she was abducted by Paris, a prince from Troy... and that's how the war of Troy begun. For her story, click here.

Who did Helen go to Troy with in the story the Illiad?
With Paris.

For more info about Helen of Troy, click here.

For Helen of Troy pictures, click here.


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